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Boners Cock Straps - adjustable penis ring (S/M)

Excellent erection-retaining penis ring in premium quality, the size of which can be adjusted to your own comfort thanks to the metal studs!

Extremely durable, made of high quality, skin-friendly silicone!

Why is it good?

  • Thanks to the ring, the manhood swells and the erection is harder
  • It helps to prevent blood from flowing back out of the penis, making the act last longer
  • The diameter of the ring can be adjusted to your own size and tightness - using metal pins
  • 100% waterproof, as it contains no electrical parts
  • Can be worn in three different ways: as a penis ring only, as a testicle ring, or as a ring around the penis and testicles together
  • Perfect for beginners, intermediate and advanced users

Here's what to look out for:

  • clean thoroughly before and after each use
  • only water-based lubricant is recommended for lubrication
  • do not adjust it so tight that it hurts!
  • when storing, make sure it does not come into contact with other products

When unstretched, place it on the hardening manhood, then pull it as close to the udder as you can, then adjust it to the correct tightness using the metal pins.
You can use it just on the base of the penis, or with the testicles and penis together, when the perineum is also under a pleasant pressure and the feeling of your testicles being gripped is inimitable!

Product features, specifications:

  • skin-friendly material
  • adjustable diameter with metallic patent
  • total length: 20,5cm
  • width: 1,5cm
  • diameter: adjustable from 3cm to 5,5cm (3 adjustment levels thanks to 3 metallic pins)
  • weight: 12g
  • colour: grey
  • material: metal, silicone (EU compliant, phthalate-free)
  • Size: S/M (fits both S and M)

Cleaning suggestion:
Wash thoroughly with mild soapy lukewarm water, then rinse and allow to dry. Recommended: use special detergent (06302500000) - available separately.

Download instructions for use (PDF)

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