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For effortless, daily routine, complete intimate hygiene and a special tickling, deep pleasure!

Suitable for both anal and vaginal use, this three-piece intimate hygiene set can be easily mounted on the tap, so the jet strength can be easily adjusted.

The package includes:
-1pc conical design, smooth surface, 11.5cm long, 1.9-2.3cm diameter
-1pcs wavy tops, 23cm long, 1,7-3cm diameter
-1pc 138cm long hose

The hose is screw threaded so that the toppings can be changed at will.

Material: stainless steel (hose), aluminium (nut), PVC (fittings) - EU compliant, phthalate-free.
Black colour with silver hose.

Download instructions for use (PDF)
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Average rating:
( 5 )
20/07/2017 10:48
 - Trusted opinion on Árukereső.hu
Trusted opinion on Árukereső.hu
20/07/2017 10:48
Very good quality product
Advantages: Ease of use
Disadvantages: There isn't